However, now they lie in the ruins of the wasteland, abandoned and just waiting for you to hop in and wreak havoc. The suits were given Nuka-Cola themed paint jobs and used to promote the soft drink.

Nuka-Cola had strong ties with the US government so they were given a host of new technology. fallout 4 nuka world nuka cola power armor guide Fallout 4 Nuka World Nuka Cola Power Armor guide will give you the best power armor you have ever seen Just follow the path according to our instructions. Just follow these simple steps to get your Nuka Cola Power Armor. Here is the Fallout 4 Nuka World Nuka Cola Power Armor guide. We also loved the Whim Power Armor from Far Harbor but we like this one better. There’s a lot of joy walking around in this with the Nuka-Cola logo on it. We have to admit this Power Armor is absolutely amazing. Nisha provides you with the Instigating Disciples Cutlass, which does double damage if the target is at full health.In this guide, we will show you how you can get the Nuka-Cola variant Power Armor. Mags rewards you with the Relentless Calibrated Powerful Operators Sniper Rifle that refills your actions points when you get a critical hit.Mason gives you a the Furious Indigo Rocket Bat, a legendary baseball bat that does increasing damage with each consecutive hit.When you speak to the remaining gang bosses after you finish the main questline, they will reward you with a weapon. Melee melee weapons will restore some of your Action Points. Favoring the Disciples will reward you with the Chosen Disciple perk.Favoring the Pack will reward you with the Pack Alpha perk which significantly increases your damage resistance and enables you to deal more damage while unarmed or using melee weapons.Favoring the Operators will reward you with the Ace Operator perk which increases your stealth while in shadows and allows you to deal more damage with silenced weapons.You will receive two perks, depending on the two gangs that side with you.

Clear the power plant and make your way to the roof to take out the boss. Head up the road to the power plant and start clearing the area of the gang traitors. You will be prompted to speak to one of the gang bosses, and both will join your fight to take down the traitorous third gang boss. Travel to the power plant in Nuka-World to meet the two gang bosses that have remained loyal. Whichever gang you assigned the least territories to will be the gang that betrays you. Complete Home Sweet Home only to find out from Gage that one of the gangs have turned against you.